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What does a life coach do?A life coach is someone who counsels and encourages clients through personal or career challenges. A life coach helps guide clients to reach their ultimate goals. A life coach can help individuals in different areas of their life. But because each human being is different, so will their goals. Life coach is NOT a therapist, doctor, or any medical advisor.
Who is this program for?Mothers who want to free them selves from feeling overwhelmed, burnt-out, exhausted, having low self-esteem. Mothers who want to create a life of balance, serenity, and rest.
What ages do you work with for the sleep consultations?0-7yrs
What results can I expect from working with you?At Mindful Mother, clients come to us with a mindful mindset to transform themselves and their lives. To gain self-love, confidence, and the desire to rest again. We help moms rediscover themselves, and regain balance, rest, and organization. The best part of our programs is that we create personalized programs for each unique mother, their lifestyle, and baby’s sleep plan. By the time we finish the selected program, our clients will have gained a life of balance, serenity, freedom, rest and more.
I have a question I don't see answered here.I will be more than happy to answer your questions. Book a complimentary 15 minute mom to mom talk. (link to calendar) or email me @
Where can I sign up for the free consultation?
Do you accept payment plans?Yes I do! For the life couching plans.
What stages of maternity do you work with?ALL! I help you prepare before pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum. I know motherhood is hard no matter what stage you are in. (this include adoptive mother & miscarriage)
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